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Your meditation journey starts here

A personalized membership for reaching your goals

nama meditation app
nama meditation app
nama meditation app
nama meditation app
nama meditation app
nama meditation app
nama meditation app
nama meditation app
nama meditation app

Dedicated support from experts 

Listen offline, anytime anywhere 

60+ easy-to-follow meditations

10 categories & programs for all your meditation needs

Be a part of a global community of meditators

Save your favourites and listen at anytime!

Custom reminders to meditate

New meditations, classes and programs updated regularly!

Explore Nama

Subscribe to the Nama app. Select plan to see offer. 

Become A Member

Best Value: 3 months free.


Best Value

Rs. 417/month

billed once yearly


Rs. 499/month

billed once every three months


Rs. 549/month

billed every month

Meditate for a cause

For every month you subscribe, we pledge to donate two meals to a child in need as a part of our 1 for 2 Pledge.

Basic needs are the foundation of mental wellness. Subscribe now and let’s make the world more mindful together!


1 month subscription = 2 meals donated


3 month subscription = 6 meals donated


12 month subscription = 24 meals donated

Meditate for a cause
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